Monday, September 17, 2007

To the Victors

Man oh manischewitz what a weekend, ain'a? Badgers, Brewers, Packers--big Ws for one and all, including me. During my annual 20-minute session of fall housecleaning, I came up 47 cents richer after I flipped a couch cushion. Viva Las Vegas!

Anyways, speaking of big Ws, you can be a big-ass winner too, provided you swing by the Lakefront Brewery this Wednesday, Sept. 19 (6-8pm) and help me launch my campaign for whichever and whatever political office there is needs filling. Yeah yeah, we'll have a couple, three beers, some laughs, and if everything goes the way it ought to, noboby gets handcuffed and fingerprinted. And if you can't make it Wednesday, there's a bunch of other campaign stops coming up. But one thing you've got to remember: Vote for me and win a ten-speed bike 'cause I'm Art Kumbalek and I told you so.

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