Friday, September 28, 2007

What's On TV

-Seems those knobshines who report for the shirt-and-tie major regular media in this town don't seem to know my political-bent ass from a hole in the ground. Fock 'em.

What the hell, whenever national Tom, Dick or Dickless blow into town with a couple million bucks in their pocket to announce at a luncheon that they want to be president so that they're better-able to do favors for their rich-fock cronies, our TV News Friends can't break their necks fast enough to get a crew together to report from the scene; but when a local guy like me with no pot to pee in shows up somewheres to announce his historic intention to get elected to a couple, three offices, all on one ballot so as to better serve the workingman and those who'd like to be a workingman if they could only find a focking job, the hair-sprayed camera-ready "journalists" are nowhere to be seen.

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